Resolution: Done
There are a number of inconsistencies in the management model
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=osgi:read-resource(recursive=true) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "activation" => "lazy", "configuration" => {"org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager" => {"entries" => {"manager.root" => "jboss-osgi"}}}, "module" => { "org.apache.felix.scr" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.apache.felix.log" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "1" }, "org.jboss.osgi.webapp" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "3" }, "org.jboss.osgi.http" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.apache.felix.metatype" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.apache.aries.jmx" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.jboss.osgi.blueprint" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "3" }, "org.apache.aries.util" => {"module" => undefined}, "org.jboss.osgi.logging" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "1" }, "org.osgi.compendium" => {"module" => undefined}, "org.jboss.osgi.webconsole" => {"module" => undefined}, "org.jboss.logging" => {"module" => undefined}, "org.jboss.as.osgi.configadmin" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "1" }, "javaee.api" => {"module" => undefined}, "org.jboss.netty" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.apache.felix.eventadmin" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.jboss.osgi.jmx" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.apache.felix.configadmin" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "1" }, "org.apache.felix.webconsole" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" }, "org.jboss.osgi.xerces" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "3" }, "org.projectodd.stilts" => { "module" => undefined, "start" => "2" } }, "property" => { "org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning" => {"value" => "1"}, "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra" => {"value" => "org.apache.commons.logging;version=1.1.1, org.apache.log4j;version=1.2, org.jboss.as.osgi.service;version=7.0, org.jboss.osgi.deployment.interceptor;version=1.0, org.jboss.osgi.spi.capability;version=1.0, org.jboss.osgi.spi.util;version=1.0, org.jboss.osgi.testing;version=1.0, org.jboss.osgi.vfs;version=1.0, org.slf4j;version=1.5.10,"}, "org.jboss.osgi.system.modules" => {"value" => "org.apache.commons.logging, org.apache.log4j, org.jboss.as.osgi, org.slf4j,"} } } }
#1 properties should be represented equal for the configuration and framework
#2 "module" => undefined does not make sense
#3 startlevel should be named 'startlevel' not 'start'
- blocks
AS7-932 Expose runtime OSGi Bundle management through management API
- Resolved
AS7-1813 Turn Osgi managment subsections into inlined tabs
- Resolved
AS7-461 Restore persistent configuration changes
- Resolved
- relates to
AS7-1982 CLI reports incorrect access-type, value-type, restart-required values
- Resolved