Resolution: Unresolved
(01:23:17) OndejZizka: aslak: One more thing, do you know RHQ project?
(01:23:25) aslak: OndejZizka, yea?
(01:23:50) OndejZizka: Well then you probably know that it has plugins for many containers
(01:24:06) OndejZizka: So I thought, this could be re-used to make managed contaiers
(01:24:26) aslak: hmm.. possible
(01:24:27) OndejZizka: Basically, they have all it needs - starting, stopping, deploy/undeploy, config
(01:24:34) OndejZizka: + some extras where possible
(01:25:01) aslak: OndejZizka, got a url for source?
(01:25:05) OndejZizka: Sure, sec
(01:25:08) aslak: container source
(01:25:21) OndejZizka: aslak: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=rhq/rhq.git;
(01:26:00) OndejZizka: aslak: The source is vast. Not easy to locate concrete functionality, but plugins are separated as modules
(01:37:52) jshaughn: ozizka-here: The CLI speaks only to the server
(01:38:12) jshaughn: The only thing that comes close perhaps to what you're asking is the standalone plugin container
jsanda_afk jshaughn
(01:38:30) ozizka-here: jshaughn: Sounds promising, continue pls
(01:38:36) jshaughn: this is a tool that is typically used to help rapid devleopment of plugins
(01:39:14) jshaughn: it allows a plugin to basically run and gives a command line interface for executing its implementd factes
(01:39:24) jshaughn: sorry, "facets"
(01:39:42) jshaughn: I actually have not used it but let me see if I can track down a link
(01:40:17) jshaughn: Heiko (pilhuhn) is the implementor and resident expert.
(01:47:53) jshaughn: there is a video of it here: http://wiki.rhq-project.org/display/RHQ/Videos "Using the standalone plugin-container when developing RHQ plugins"
(01:51:05) jshaughn: http://community.jboss.org/en/jopr/blog/2011/01/20/using-the-standalone-container-for-development
- relates to
ARQ-261 Add a Tomcat managed container
- Closed