Resolution: Obsolete
I'm trying to create a test using the glassfish remote container. The basic form is identical to what is in the documentation. I create and archive with Shrinkwrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar").addClasses(...). However, when the application to deploy is created, it has a name of the form "jsr88-" + some long number. For example, here is some arquillian test output:
Dec 6, 2010 6:28:23 PM org.jboss.arquillian.container.jsr88.remote_1_2.JSR88DeploymentListener handleProgressEvent
INFO: Deployment of application jsr88-851802189695127335
Dec 6, 2010 6:28:24 PM org.jboss.arquillian.container.jsr88.remote_1_2.JSR88DeploymentListener$1 handleProgressEvent
INFO: Application jsr88-851802189695127335 enabled successfully
So, the test ejb in the remote container is bound to java:global/jsr88-851802189695127335/testBean and arquillian can't find the bean to inject into my test.