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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-1813

REST TestSuite has execution order issues


      Depending on the @Test method execution order the REST test suite randomly fail.

      This seems to effect all ftests and local tests, RestClientTestCase.

      If the ban* @Test methods are executed first, everything is ok. The banX methods will call findAllCustomers on CustomerResourceImpl and if it's the first call create Customer with id (nextId()) 1 and 2 which the Test Case is trying to lookup.

      If on the other hand some of the following @Test methods run first, createCustomerBareResource, manualClassModifier, nextId() is invoked and when banX methods are called later and the 'customer list' is created, the expected Customers now have id 3-4.

            blabno Bernard Labno (Inactive)
            aslak@redhat.com Aslak Knutsen
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