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  1. Service Binding
  2. APPSVC-765

Improve Project landing page


      When visiting our GitHub project page users should be able to find quickly enough information how to install and try out the operator. Such details should be placed at the top of our README and users should be able to copy/paste snippets ready for immediate consumption. In order to try out the operator, user must not clone the repo.

      README should be restructured to address the following aspects:

      • Introduction about what the service binding operator is should be reduced to the elevetor pitch version
      • Promote the operator installation using a release.yaml file, so that it boils down to something like kubectl apply -f release.yaml
      • Second option should be point to installation using operatorhub.io
      • Finally, installation from within OpenShift clusters
      • Starting operator from cloned repo should be moved to Developing/Contribution section/document
      • Immediately after the installation instructions we should provide a few snippets that create a service, service binding and application and connect them. Again, that should be something like kubectl apply -f example.yaml. We do have a few examples already linked, one is https://github.com/redhat-developer/service-binding-operator/blob/master/examples/nodejs_postgresql/README.md but the instructions are very much openshift-centric.

      shbose let me know if some aspects are missing. Please link here some slides that could be used for the elevator pitch description.


      cc jasper.chui

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pedjak@gmail.com Predrag Knezevic (Inactive)
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