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  1. Service Binding
  2. APPSVC-761

Simplify acceptance testing steps for verifying SBO is fully ready


    • Sprint 192, Sprint 193


      Currently in a lot of acceptance testing scenarios 3 steps together are used to verify that the service binding has finished and is ready with by checking the particular status conditions like the following:

      Then jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="CollectionReady").status" of Service Binding "{name}" should be changed to "True"
      And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="InjectionReady").status" of Service Binding "{name}" should be changed to "True"
      And jq ".status.conditions[] | select(.type=="Ready").status" of Service Binding "{name}" should be changed to "True"

      All the scenarios that have those steps share a common pattern that only differs with the name of the Service Binding resource.

      This can be simplified in a single step such as Service Binding "{name}" is ready.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • All occurencies of the above 3 `status.conditions` checking steps are replaced in *.feature files of acceptance tests with the simplified one.

            pmacik@redhat.com Pavel Macik
            pmacik@redhat.com Pavel Macik
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