Resolution: Won't Do
AppSvc Sprint 222, AppSvc Sprint 223, AppSvc Sprint 224, AppSvc Sprint 225, AppSvc Sprint 226
Story (Required)
As an OpenShift user I would like to see the results of the SBO performance test presented in a visualized form. We need to find a presentation or dashboarding tool it could be a cloud service like wopra or as simple as a PowerPoint as long as it can provide a visual report.
Background (Required)
_Currently the SBO performance tests generates a set of CSV files for the resource utilization (CPU, Memory throughout the duration of the test) for various Kubernetes resources including SBO itself as well as the computed performance metrics such as TimeToReconcile, ReconciledToDone or TimeToDone for each of the testing scenarios. The KPI (key performance indicators) are also computed (as various aggregated statistical values such as average, median, minimal, maximal, etc.) for each of the performance metrics and testing scenarios.-
Keeping the results in the form of CSV files is good for machine processing), however is not easy to read for humans. We need to visualize those results and metrics in a graphical form (such as charts)
Acceptance Criteria
<Provides a required and minimum list of acceptance tests for this story. More is expected as the engineer implements this story>
Demo technology in Cabal
Pick the technology to use for visualization
- The technology allows:
uploading sets of 2D data generated by the performance tests (the CSV files) after the test has finished and marking them per the test run
visualizing a 2D data set for a chosen test run in a single line chart
comparing multiple 2D data sets for 2 or more chosen test runs in a single line chart
uploading sets of 1D data (the KPIs) after the test has finished and marking them per the test run
visualizing a single KPI data set as bar charts for a chosen test run
comparing multiple KPI data sets for 2 or more chosen test runs in a single bar chart
dashboard creation is gitops'ified, e.g. does not require any manual setup steps in the UI
- blocks
APPSVC-1104 Visualize results of SBO Performance Test
- Refinement