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  1. Service Binding
  2. APPSVC-1116

Execute acceptance tests PR checks only when PR affects SBO images or acceptance testing itself


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • QE, Service Binding
    • AppSvc Sprint 219

      Story (Required)

      The point of this story is to only execute acceptance tests PR checks for PRs that affects SBO images or acceptance testing framework or scenarios.

      Background (Required)

      Currently, the acceptance tests are executed for any and each PR - even for those that for examply affects only the docs. In such cases there is no need to actually execute the acceptnace tests as the resulting SBO PR images as well as the test framework (incl. scenarios) are exactly the same as those already tested and merged in master.

      Not running the acceptance tests for PRs that do not inflict any testable change would save time significantly to merge such PRs as well as saving costs for Red Hat (each job for testing acceptance tests with OpenShift provisions a OCP cluster on AWS, currently there are 4 such jobs executed for any PR).


      In OpenShift CI job configuration there are skip_if_only_changed and run_if_changed options for test jobs that can be used to configure desired function.

      In GitHub Actions a path filter can be used for the same function. In case it is not suitable a custom action using the actions/github-script needs to be implemented and used.

      Makefile needs to be re-organized into smaller managable pieces by purpose (such as docs, acceptance, performance, ...) to help avoiding unnecessary runs of acceptance tests in case of changes in Makefile

      Acceptance Criteria

      Makefile is re-organized into smaller managable pieces by purpose
      Acceptance Testing jobs are only executed for PRs that do not affect SBO images orĀ  neither acceptance testing framework nor scenarios:

      • GitHub Actions
      • OpenShift CI

      INVEST Checklist

      Dependencies identified
      Blockers noted and expected delivery timelines set
      Design is implementable
      Acceptance criteria agreed upon
      Story estimated



            pmacik@redhat.com Pavel Macik
            pmacik@redhat.com Pavel Macik
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