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  1. Service Binding
  2. APPSVC-1102

Document workload resource mapping


    • 3
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      Currently, when you modify the `ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping` resources, the {servicebinding-title} does not implement correct behavior. As a workaround, perform the following steps:
      . Delete any `ServiceBinding` resources using the corresponding `ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping` resource.
      . Modify the `ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping` resource.
      . Re-apply the `ServiceBinding` resources that you previously removed in step 1.
      Currently, when you modify the `ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping` resources, the {servicebinding-title} does not implement correct behavior. As a workaround, perform the following steps: + . Delete any `ServiceBinding` resources using the corresponding `ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping` resource. . Modify the `ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping` resource. . Re-apply the `ServiceBinding` resources that you previously removed in step 1.
    • Known Issue
    • AppSvc Sprint 218, AppSvc Sprint 219

      Owner: Architect:

      Story (Required)

      As an OpenShift user, I would like documentation so I can better understand how to use ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping resources.

      Background (Required)

      Workload resource mappings are a feature not yet documented for usage with SBO.

      Out of scope

      Modifying/adding features to SBO itself.  Anything that would require changing SBO outside of its documentation should be captured in a separate story.

      In Scope

      Writing documentation for SBO.


      Provide a description of what the fields of a ClusterWorkloadResourceMapping resource mean.  An example of usage with both a PodSpec and a non-PodSpec resource (as defined by the spec) would be useful.



      Acceptance Criteria

      Consult with the docs team to understand what they need for documentation.

      Documentation should describe how to use workload resource mapping.  It should provide an example of usage with a podspec-compliant resource (such as a CronJob).

            ansadler@redhat.com Andy Sadler
            ansadler@redhat.com Andy Sadler
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