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  1. apiman (API Management)
  2. APIMAN-626

Plugins with empty configuration forms can't be added as policies


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      Add "Test Policy" version 1.1.6.Final from Apiman plugins github repo to a running instance of Apiman 1.1.6.Final.
      Create a service.
      Navigate to policies tab.
      Click add policy.
      Select "Test Policy" from drop down.
      The "Add policy" button is never enabled, even when a blank JSON string {} is entered.

      Add "Test Policy" version 1.1.6.Final from Apiman plugins github repo to a running instance of Apiman 1.1.6.Final. Create a service. Navigate to policies tab. Click add policy. Select "Test Policy" from drop down. The "Add policy" button is never enabled, even when a blank JSON string {} is entered.

      It appears that plugins that have no configuration associated with them can't be added to a service instance. I tried this using my own custom plugin and also using the "test-policy" plugin from apiman official repository. The error occurs on the "Add Policy" page within the context of a service. When "Test Policy" is selected from the drop down, I see the following in the chrome developer console:

      TypeError: $scope.getConfig is not a function
          at new <anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/dist/apiman-manager.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:1389:24)
          at Object.invoke (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:4219:17)
          at extend.instance (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:8525:21)
          at http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:7771:13
          at forEach (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:334:20)
          at nodeLinkFn (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:7770:11)
          at compositeLinkFn (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:7149:13)
          at publicLinkFn (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:7028:30)
          at link (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:22528:38)
          at invokeLinkFn (http://localhost:8080/apimanui/libs/angular/angular.js?cid=2015-08-15_19:56:8290:9) <div ng-include="include" class="ng-scope">

              ewittman@redhat.com Eric Wittmann
              kkrauth_jira Kosta Krauth (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
