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  1. apiman (API Management)
  2. APIMAN-1288

Vert.x Gateway HTTP Timeout configuration missing


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 1.3.1.Final
    • Gateway API
    • None

      In the servlet version of the API Gateway there is option to control the HTTP timeouts for the backend APIs available under Connector factory options of apiman.properties such as apiman-gateway.connector-factory.http.timeouts.read=30

      But in Vert.X flavour of the API Gateway this option is not available and it's kind of required feature as most of the times when you have mix of APIs from different platform such as legacy systems this becomes bottleneck.

      Kindly consider providing an option to configure HTTP timeouts for read/write and connect similar to apiman.properties.

              msavy_jira Marc Savy (Inactive)
              victorvusautoisdev Victor Vusautois (Inactive)
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