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  1. apiman (API Management)
  2. APIMAN-1021

Unable to load plugin from local maven repo


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 1.2.6.Final, 1.2.x
    • 1.2.2.Final
    • Plugin
    • None
    • Hide

      1) Create a custom plugin and package in maven repo folder, including dependencies
      2) Copy repo to local path on apiman host
      3) Set up apiman.properties to point at path from step 2
      4) Attempt to load plugin from apiman console

      1) Create a custom plugin and package in maven repo folder, including dependencies 2) Copy repo to local path on apiman host 3) Set up apiman.properties to point at path from step 2 4) Attempt to load plugin from apiman console

      Attempting to follow instructions outlined by ewittman@redhat.com in APIMAN-290 to load a custom plugin from a local maven repo is not working for me. Upon entering the details in the management console I am redirected to the /apimanui/api-manager/errors/404 page.

      If the maven repo is copied to the local user's (jboss in the docker image) home directory and the default apiman.properties file is in place, the plugin loads as expected.

      I have attached the dockerfile and properties file I am using to try this out.

            ewittman@redhat.com Eric Wittmann
            david.rush_jira David Rush (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
