Resolution: Done
Update Control Plane Kubernetes Version to 1.25
To Do
OCPPLAN-9015 - Upgrade to Kubernetes 1.25
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Epic Goal
Update OCP 4.11 to the latest version of Kubernetes - 1.25
Why is this important? (mandatory)
- The market requires we provide the latest stable version of Kubernetes for each OpenShift release.
Scenarios (mandatory)
Provide details for user scenarios including actions to be performed,
platform specifications, and user personas.
Dependencies (internal and external) (mandatory)
What items must be delivered by other teams/groups to enable delivery of
this epic.
Contributing Teams(and contacts) (mandatory)
Our expectation is that teams would modify the list below to fit the epic.
Some epics may not need all the default groups but what is included here
should accurately reflect who will be involved in delivering the epic.
- Development -
- Documentation -
- QE -
- PX -
- Others -
Acceptance Criteria (optional)
The following repository must be updated to the latest Kubernetes:
- library-go, apiserver-library-go, client-go, api
- origin (kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, kubelet)
- openshift-apiserver
- devex team: openshift-controller-manager
- workload team: oc, kube-controller-manager
- node team: kubelet
The following repositories should be updated to latest Kubernetes:
- cluster-kube-*-operators
- cluster-openshift-apiserver-operator
- authentication-operator, service-ca
Done - Checklist (mandatory)
The following points apply to all epics and are what the OpenShift team
believes are the minimum set of criteria that epics should meet for us to
consider them potentially shippable. We request that epic owners modify
this list to reflect the work to be completed in order to produce something
that is potentially shippable.
- CI Testing - Origin tests are updated to align with upstream. Passing tests for the OCP variants described in this test matrix - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KuC8QAmQd2LiCMk0EVBxss97V0-UNtFM8vVEqPYWCqs/edit#gid=1778196262
- QE - Test scenarios are written and executed successfully
- blocks
STOR-690 CSI Migration for GCE (GA)
- Closed
STOR-854 Upstream GA Tracking: Local ephemeral storage resource management
- Closed
STOR-856 [Tech Preview] Upstream Beta Tracking: Volume Populator DataSource (add metric support and testing -- out of tree)
- Closed
- is related to
API-1451 Update github.com/onsi/ginkgo to v2
- Closed
OCPBUGS-861 Rebase openshift/etcd 4.12 onto v3.5.5
- Closed