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  1. Ansible Strategy
  2. ANSTRAT-1221

[RFE] Ability to define Automation Hub credentials while creating ' Ansible Job'  custom resource (CR)  on AAP operator based deployment


    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • None
    • platform-operator
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Hide
      • AAP credentials can be configured in some manner in OCP, i.e. K8s secret or CR, that can be injected into a job template.
      • Job templates configured by the operator can leverage the custom defined credential and will configure the job with the credential.
      AAP credentials can be configured in some manner in OCP, i.e. K8s secret or CR, that can be injected into a job template. Job templates configured by the operator can leverage the custom defined credential and will configure the job with the credential.


      • Give customers the ability to configure credentials for automation jobs configured via the operator.

      Background and strategic fit


      Request for this capability came through AAPRFE-1422 and would allow proper configuration of job credentials that are configured through operator CRs, which can be a requirement for jobs to run. If we allow creation of jobs, then we need to allow attachment of credentials to those jobs.

      User Story Requirements

      # Title User Story Persona Importance Notes
      1  Job Credential As an AAP admin I can set a job credential for my automation job configured through the operator so that it can run properly.  AAP admin  major   

      End to End Test

      1. Configure an automation credential via the operator
      2. Configure an automation job to leverage the previously created credential
      3. Wait for operator to make changes
      4. Login to AAP
      5. Navigate to the configured job template
      6. Verify that the credential is set.
      7. Run the automation to ensure that the credential is valid.

      If the previous steps are possible, then the test succeeds.  Otherwise, the test fails.

              dysilva Dylan Silva
              sharwell@redhat.com Scott Harwell
              Dylan Silva
              Timothy Pouyer Timothy Pouyer
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
