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  1. Ansible Networking & Security (Content)
  2. ANA-572

Configuration Hygiene (aka Scoped Config) for network automation - Validated Content


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Configuration Hygiene (aka Scoped Config) for network automation - Validated Content
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Hide

      This epic will track the work of the team for Q4, and applies to the development of resource modules that are released as part of certified collections. 

      Each Task will be considered completed once it has the corresponding tests, the proper documentation and is released in Automation Hub as part of the corresponding certified collection.

      This epic will track the work of the team for Q4, and applies to the development of resource modules that are released as part of certified collections.  Each Task will be considered completed once it has the corresponding tests, the proper documentation and is released in Automation Hub as part of the corresponding certified collection.
    • To Do
    • ANSTRAT-1069 - Network Configuration Automation Patterns
    • 80% To Do, 0% In Progress, 20% Done


      Customers want to automate in a simpler way their multivendor router and switches. This Epic will track resource modules for NXOS, IOSXE, IOSXR, EOS devices. 

      User Stories

      As a network operator I want to have a multi-vendor and simple way to configure router and switches (network devices) directly via SSH or Netconf.

      Supporting documentation

      201 Network Automation Use Cases. The scope for this Epic is Configuration Hygiene as part of the network automation journey. 

      Definition of Done

      This epic will track the work of the team for Q4, and applies to the development of resource modules that are released as part of certified collections. 

      Each Task will be considered completed once it has the corresponding tests, the proper documentation and is released in Automation Hub as part of the corresponding certified collection.

      Acceptance Criteria


      End to End Test


              nchakrab@redhat.com Nilashish Chakraborty
              dmendoza@redhat.com Dafne Mendoza
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
