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  1. Ansible Networking & Security (Content)
  2. ANA-532

Issue in cisco.ios.ios_static_routes, metric distance is to be populated in the forward_router_address attribute


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    • False
    • 5
    • Networking Sprint 13

      Definition of Done

      • Code completed to meet acceptance criteria based on architecture documents/requirements.
      • Pull Request reviewed and approved by peers.
      • Tests are written and do not "break the build" (all tests pass CI/CD). Type of tests (unit/ integration) dependent on need and content. 
        • The Downstream CI fails for the PR ( setup local EE to debug the issue)
        • PR change specifically requires tests to be ran against a local EE
        • The PR touches code in ansible.utils or ansible.netcommon.
        • The PR has integration test changes. As such, any PR that adds a new plugin would require this.
        • The PR touches a plugin that is dependent on a third party library (e.g., xmltodict, pyats, etc.).
        • The PR resolves a customer ticket (bug/feature).
      • Run tests locally with downstream EE  if required in following cases:
      • A passing downstream Jenkins CI pipeline run is required if any of these criterias are met:
      • Changelog written, except for trivial changes such as test updates, GHA workflow updates, linter changes, etc.
      • Demonstration
      •  of the work in a Demo meeting or to be self-recorded and shared in the #ansible-demos



      Problem Description:

      • Cu is using cisco.ios.ios_static_routes module in their playbook.
      •  metric distance is to be populated in the forward_router_address attribute.
      •  When the forward_router is an interface, the metric distance is populated in the forward_router_address, which makes the command which shall be applied wrong:

      Supporting documentation
      should look like this:

      • distance_metric: '254'
        interface: Null0

      but looks like this:


            rh-ee-vmulugun Vinay Mulugund
            rhn-support-mramesh Manasa Ramesh
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
