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  1. Ansible Networking & Security (Content)
  2. ANA-169

Rebuild network appliance images in zuul with SF ssh key


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • networking, networking-ci
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Sprint 11

      As we are migrating the network CI jobs to Software Factory, we need to rebuild the network appliance images with Software Factory's SSH key configured into them. The steps to do the same

      1. We use network-image-builder (https://github.com/ansible-network/network-image-builder) to bootstrap the images. Follow the steps provided in the README to add the relevant folders and files specific to the software version of the device and build the image. You can either use the already existing version (in zuul) of the image or the latest version of the image (if the current image on zuul has reached its EOL).
      2. After adding the folders and files, edit the sshkey in templates/<collection>/<sw version>/config.j2. Refer: https://github.com/ansible-network/network-image-builder/pull/23/files#diff-5ff451e07eae42045b125705721fededa69719896d449f8020b126cad1e29fabR12

                 ssh key of software factory (username: zuul)

                 AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDgOp/WpwK0HBfgJoYDXo+yZbLqkNrbkbtk3p6MxJumQlXxXhKWY0uJXbrecjhJG6Ydv/6SzKQeoVWSPJUkZ0xD1l7KCPN+iNJyRQGwiyIi/Vd7JNt0pn+dblmPA5GzAwEMcT+49OlK0I1p1JwpSa0CFgNH8zSZOqCaH8yUiKtbc0UtCdQehSIcHvz573E2IbeDMG1omijf6fAT67tEAzEbsasCN/bSmXDraAQ+XIPPsFoifCQaSOL3SsyjG0awNfTotiBW68DqzR29KYwMQntM1ACVWPMda2rVTUFmV51ono/Ux2vRiV8zMCQAzZdy9gkF+3bDnK7VeY2rccp7EaVj root@managesf

               3. Execute build_image.yaml and build the image. Test the image locally and check if the sshkey of the software factory is present.

               4. The image is now ready to be uploaded to limestone and vexxhost.



            gosriniv@redhat.com Gomathi selvi Srinivasan
            gosriniv@redhat.com Gomathi selvi Srinivasan
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