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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-3052

Dev review of Addressing model and docs - December 2018


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 7.2.0
    • Broker DOC

      On Dec 13, 2018, Justin Ross and Pat Fox and some others met with Martyn Taylor with their questions about the AMQ Broker Addressing model that was added to the code sometime around Beta 2 release of AMQ 7 Broker. The new addressing model has had about 2 years' soak time in the field by now.

      This JIRA is to capture the clarifications and improvements discussed in that meeting so that we can incorporate them when modularizing the Addressing content as part of the new Configuration guide.

      Recording: https://bluejeans.com/s/pz8DS
      From Justin: "Ben, I think you'll find lots of useful commentary here. Some is actionable in the docs now, and some has to be sorted out in engineering first."

      Some old notes that Susan made on the Addressing content, with updates from Eng:

              jbyrne@redhat.com John Byrne (Inactive)
              sjay@redhat.com Susan Jay
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