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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2996

[AMQ 7, scale down] 20.7.3. Scaling Clusters needs clarifiation


      The section "20.7.3. Scaling Clusters" ( https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_amq/7.2/html-single/using_amq_broker/#scaling_clusters ) is unclear and needs to be clarified.

      The scale down configuration appears to be dependent on what type of HA broker you are running.
      Not all configuration appears to be relevant to various types of HA broker .

      e.g (but not exhaustive)
      HA live only supports scale down
      HA shared store master does not appear to support scale down
      HA shared store slave does appear to support scale down

      It would be useful to have:

      • an explanation of each scale down configuration that can be used in various setups.
      • the advantages/disadvantages of all
      • example configuration for each

            jbyrne@redhat.com John Byrne
            rhn-support-pfox Patrick Fox (Inactive)
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