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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2723

QE feedback - [A-MQ7, Hawtio] Close button in Sessions tab and Consumers tab may be confusing in what it actually does


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 7.0
    • Console Reference DOC
    • None
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), User Experience

      In new tabs in secondary navigation, namely Sessions an Consumers, if client is connected there are some information and statistics related to these. If one of the lines of results is selected there will appear red "Close" button (see the screenshot provided). Behavior of this button seems to be counterintuitive to what person, that doesn't have deeper understanding of it's purpose and use cases, might expect to happened. This button kills only session / consumer as broker internal resources so actual client is unaware of what happened. Client is not informed (with the exception of Core protocol client) and as a result just "hangs in the air" unable to react on the changes and from this point on receive messages.

      Original issue (Enhancement proposal for broker and Hawtio) was rejected but it should still be documented - properly document it's behavior, intended purpose and some examples of its use cases.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rvais Roman Vais (Inactive)
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