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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2682

GSS feedback - [python, javascript] Add documentation for connection authentication on clients


    • Weeks 16, 17 (Apr 16 - 27), Weeks 18, 19 (Apr 30 - May 11), Weeks 20, 21 (May 14 - 25)

      From email thread w/ Hugo Guerrero:

      I was able to use the user:password@server url for python, but not for node.

      Anyway, this is certainly missing in the official product documentation.



      On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Gordon Sim <gsim@redhat.com> wrote:

      On 13/09/17 19:23, Hugo Guerrero wrote:


      Do we have docs / examples on how to do connection auhtentication (user / password) with the python + javascript clients?

      There is an example for the javascript client upstream: https://github.com/grs/rhea/blob/master/examples/sasl/simple_sasl_client.js, basically you just pass username (and optionally password) to connect or set them on the container before the connect.

      Its mostly the same for the python client too, but the option there is called 'user' rather than 'username'. In addition the python client will recognise urls of the form amqp://myuse:mypassword@host:port.

            jross@redhat.com Justin Ross
            sjay@redhat.com Susan Jay
            Radim Kubis Radim Kubis
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