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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2652

7.0.3 - "patches" (aka z-stream) now contain features - Cumulative patch overview update


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 7.0.3
    • 7.0, 7.0.3
    • Broker DOC
    • None

      In Chapter 3. Patching and Upgrading, 3.1. About Patches and Upgrades
      we say that

      Cumulative Patch
      AMQ Broker also periodically provides cumulative patches that contain bug and security fixes. Cumulative patches increment the minor release version by the last digit, for example from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2. Like a minor release, a cumulative patch should not require code changes.

      This will not be true anymore, as we will add new features to 7.0.3 release - Kerberos, major update to hawtio (management console) and one more thing I am not fully aware of.
      This the first sentence of patches that contain bug and security fixes is not true anymore.
      These patches might contain "minor features" as well.
      ganandan-Redhat talked about it with jbritton@redhat.com on the last PM meeting (2017-08-14).

      On the second issue, do we support only applying patches on top of each other, or anyhow?
      For example
      only 7.0.0 -> 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2 -> 7.0.3 way
      or directly skipping few versions
      only 7.0.0 -> 7.0.3 way ?

            rhn-support-pfestoso_jira Phil Festoso (Inactive)
            mtoth@redhat.com Michal Toth
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            3 Start watching this issue
