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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2596

GSS feedback [AMQ7, AMQ Broker guide, H/A] "cluster node ID" mentioned but not explained.


      In section 14.1.2 it mentions "cluster node ID" .
      In replication HA mode, you can configure a master broker so that at start-up it will search the cluster for another broker using the same cluster node ID.

      However when I searched the doc there was no explanation what a cluster node ID was. Can more information be provide around cluster node ID - for example

      • what is "cluster node ID" used for
      • is it unique for a instance broker
      • does the cluster node id outlive the live time of a broker instance
      • can a broker be configured with a cluster node ID.

      Also, the warning box in 14.1.2 seems to contradict the previous info - maybe more context is needed in the warning.

              jbyrne@redhat.com John Byrne (Inactive)
              rhn-support-pfox Patrick Fox (Inactive)
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              4 Start watching this issue
