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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2439

GSS feedback - Addressing - The option "Both" missing from create address instructions.


    • Weeks 30, 31 (July 17-28)

      In the instructions for creating an address we only mention two routing types "Multicast" and "Anycast" but the dropdown also has a "Both" option, not sure what this really means from a routing perspective but if it's there it should be mentioned.

      6.4. Managing Addresses and Queues
      6.4.1. Creating Addresses

      Routing type

      Select one of the following options:

      Multicast - Messages sent to this address will be distributed to all subscribers.
      Anycast - Messages sent to this address will be distributed to only one subscriber.

      If you select "Both" the address is created with delivery modes MULTICAST and ANYCAST so I suspect the distribution will also depend on some other factor.

            behardesty Ben Hardesty
            rhn-support-cmondesi Colin Mondesir
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