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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2431

GSS Feedback: "3.3. Connecting to Routers" is not very clear


    • Week 20 (May 15-19), Weeks 21, 22 (May 22-Jun 2)

      from the guide:
      3.3. Connecting to Routers

      When you access JBoss A-MQ Console, you must first connect to a router running on your router network before you can manage JBoss A-MQ Interconnect from JBoss A-MQ Console. After you connect to a router, you can access and manage any router on the network from the Dispatch Router tab.

      I found this confusing as it suggests there is some operation required before using the Dispatch Router tab. I believe the following would be clearer and more concise:
      3.3. Managing Routers

      To manage JBoss A-MQ Interconnect you must connect to a router from the Dispatch Router tab, connecting to one router allows you to access and manage any other router on the network.

              rhn-support-jmalloy Jennifer Malloy
              rhn-support-cmondesi Colin Mondesir (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
