Resolution: Done
7.0 Beta-2, 7.0
Catchup/Planning Sprint
1) There are three items with same number "1.":
- Create a directory to hold the programs. This example will call it "AMQ7C++SmokeTest", but you can use any name you like.
- Enter the new directory.
- Copy all the examples to this directory.
I think it could be 1., 2. and 3.
2) After command
$ cp -r /usr/share/proton-0.16.0/examples/cpp .
the user will not be able to run next commands
cmake .
because copy command copied whole directory, not only files.
Two options:
a) add command
cd cpp
between this two parts
b) change copy command to
$ cp -r /usr/share/proton-0.16.0/examples/cpp/* .