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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2172

Customer feedback: detail compaction process / reaping of old files


      In "8.1. A-MQ BROKER 7.0.0 FILE JOURNAL (DEFAULT)" section it mentions the compaction algorithm . It would be a good idea to add a detailed description of how the algorithm works and the various configurations. I think it would be good to cover the following:

      • what exactly is carried out by the compactions algorithm - I presume it writes forwards old messages to the latest journal ?
      • how often this task of compacting the journal runs.
      • how to influence it with configuration . I seen the configuration attributes doc'd but it would also be nice to have them described in the context of the algorithm explanation

      Context: In A-MQ 6 version we get a lot of questions in this area. It would be good to have a detailed description in the docs to avoid these cases.

              rhn-support-pfestoso_jira Phil Festoso (Inactive)
              rhn-support-pfox Patrick Fox (Inactive)
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