11/21/24 Green
The epic is dev-complete. Testing and adding a periodic CI job is the remaining task.
11/13/24 Green
assisted-service PR to allow 4/5 control plane replicas is still under review. 5 control plane replica CI jobs added for assisted repos. Other CI jobs for installer and dev-scripts and CI jobs for 4 control plane replicas are on hold until assisted-service PR merges.
11/08/24 Green
5 control plane replicas are now working with latest assisted-service PR update. Installer/ABI change to remove validations blocking 4/5 control plane replicas has merged. CI jobs to test this configuration is under review.
10/31/24 - Orange/Red
Unable to deploy 5 control plane replica cluster using latest assisted-service PR. ABI does not define roles for hosts and there was misunderstanding here. Waiting for next assisted-service PR update. Continue to work on contingency plan. Posted PRs to enable 5&4 control plane replicas for ABI and their support in dev-scripts.
10/23/24 - Orange/Red
Tested assisted-installer WIP patch with ABI. Deploying a 5 control plane node cluster results in 3 masters and 2 workers. This is happening because currently assisted-service doesn't have an internal representation of 5 control plane nodes, just HighAvailabiltyMode which means 3 control plane nodes. Because the assisted-installer patch is still WIP, we will need to see if proper support is added. The assisted-installer team is aware of this issue. The agent-team is also working on a contingency plan where we have the agent-based-installer client fix the roles prior to starting the cluster installation.
10/16/24 - Green
assisted-installer team has WIP patch. Will begin working on removing validations from ABI this week.
10/9/24 - Orange
No change from last week. Changing status color to orange because we are still waiting for assisted-installer to complete their change. Will begin removing validations from ABI next sprint.
10/2/24 - Green
Completed task breakdown and estimation. Waiting for assisted-installer to remove their validations blocking 4/5 control plane nodes to test ABI.