Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-713 - Add Authentication to internal Components of Agent Installer
Sprint 249, Sprint 250
User Story:
As a user, when running agent create image, agent create pxe-files and agent create config iso commands, I want to be able to:
- generate ECDSA private key Generating ECDSA key pair and save it to asset store
- generate ECDSA public key Generating ECDSA key pair and save it to asset store
- set generated public/priv keys into appropriate env var EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PEM , EC_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM
- pass env var to assisted service.
so that I can achieve
- authentication for the APIs.
Acceptance Criteria:
Description of criteria:
- Upstream documentation
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
(optional) Out of Scope:
Detail about what is specifically not being delivered in the story
Engineering Details:
- (optional) https://github/com/link.to.enhancement/
- (optional) https://issues.redhat.com/link.to.spike
- Engineering detail 1
- Engineering detail 2
This requires/does not require a design proposal.
This requires/does not require a feature gate.
- is cloned by
AGENT-872 Generate JWT token
- Closed
- is depended on by
AGENT-869 Implement a new auth type in assisted service
- Closed
AGENT-872 Generate JWT token
- Closed
AGENT-871 Authenticate agent API requests for agent based installer wait-for commands
- Closed
AGENT-875 Authenticate agent service API requests for agent based installer
- Closed
AGENT-876 Authenticate API requests for agent based installer systemd services using curl requests
- Closed
AGENT-878 Authenticate API requests for agent based installer systemd services using programatic requests
- Closed
- links to