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  1. Agroal
  2. AG-201

Unable to use connections from connection pool when new connections cannot be established


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.17, 2.1
    • 2.0
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Important


      • We are running Keycloak on MS Azure with MS Azure SQL
      • We are regularly experiencing connection problems to the Azure DB where some connections drop and new connections cannot be established but existing connections still work
      • With Keycloak based on Wildly/IronJacamar as pooling implementation, there were no customer-facing errors - with Quarkus/Agroal-based Keycloak 20 requests cannot be processed anymore

      Observed behaviour:

      • GIVEN there are database connection problems
      • AND the current number of connections is below MIN_SIZE
      • AND there are still valid connections in the pool
      • AND new connections cannot be created
      • WHEN a connection is requested from the pool
      • THEN no connection can be obtained and the request fails

      Expected behaviour:

      • GIVEN there are database connection problems
      • AND the current number of connections is below MIN_SIZE
      • AND there are still valid connections in the pool
      • AND new connections cannot be created
      • WHEN a connection is requested from the pool
      • THEN then an existing connection from the pool is returned and the request succeeds


            lbarreiro-1 Luis Barreiro
            sebastianschuster Sebastian Schuster
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
