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  1. AeroGear
  2. AEROGEAR-9755

Links under bound services in MDC is directing to wrong url


    • RC3
    • RC5
    • Service Team-Sprint 28
    • Hide

      1. Login to MDC
      2. Create a new app
      3. Click on mobile-services tab
      4. Bind all the services to the app
      5. Expand the tabs for each bound services and click on the links given in it.

      1. Login to MDC 2. Create a new app 3. Click on mobile-services tab 4. Bind all the services to the app 5. Expand the tabs for each bound services and click on the links given in it.

      Links given under bound services tabs are redirecting to OpenShift web console instead of respective consoles.

      Cluster: https://console.rhmi-qe1.openshift.com/console
      Credentials for test user: release-test-user / Testing123
      (if you don't have an account and need higher user privileges, ask Pavel Sturc or Jan Hellar)
      MDC: https://mdc-mdc-proxy-openshift-mobile-developer-console.f2d1.rhmi-qe1.openshiftapps.com
      Explorer: https://tutorial-web-app-openshift-webapp.f2d1.rhmi-qe1.openshiftapps.com/

        1. Screenshot 2019-08-14 at 11.23.04.png
          414 kB
          stephin Thomas
        2. Screenshot from 2019-08-14 12-33-39.png
          4 kB
          Enda Phelan
        3. Screenshot from 2019-08-14 12-35-19.png
          11 kB
          Enda Phelan

              weil@redhat.com Wei Li (Inactive)
              stethoma stephin Thomas (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
