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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-9681

Known issue: ACM Grafana does not show data after a hub restore procedure


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    • Known Issue
    • Proposed

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      The observatorium api gateway pods in a restored hub may have stale tenant data after a backup & restore procedure. This is due to a kubernetes limitation per https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap/#mounted-configmaps-are-updated-automatically 

      This results in observatorium api/thanos gateway to reject metrics from collectors, and ACM grafana dashboards won't show data.

      This is evidenced by errors logged in observatorium api gateway pod logs
      level=error name=observatorium caller=logchannel.go:129 msg="failed to forward metrics" returncode="500 Internal Server Error" response="no matching hashring to handle tenant\n" url=http://observability-thanos-receive.open-cluster-management-observability.svc.cluster.local:19291/api/v1/receive

      and thanos receive pods logs have errors that look like this:
      caller=handler.go:551 level=error component=receive component=receive-handler tenant=xxxx err="no matching hashring to handle tenant" msg="internal server error"
      To resolve the problem, 
      1. scale Observatorium API gateway deployment down to zero
      2. scale it back to 2 (or N, if custom deployment)
      This will restart all observatorium API gateway pods with correct tenant information and the data from collectors will start showing up in Grafana in 5-10 minutes.

            bswope@redhat.com Brandi Swope
            smeduri1@redhat.com Subbarao Meduri
            Xiang Yin Xiang Yin
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