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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-9675

As a cluster admin, I can connect to global hub kafka to receive the events in cloudevents format


    • 2
    • No

      Value Statement

      We are increasingly seeing that in Telco Edge (Verizon) as well as Enterprise customers (Amex, Citi), they use event driven messaging system on Kafka to drive their workflow. AAP also unveiled Event driven Ansible. It is important for ACM to be able to participate in these ecosystems. Therefore the requirement is that each ACM Hub emits critical lifecycle messages that can help make multicluster management easier.

      Definition of Done for Engineering Story Owner (Checklist)

      • Emit policy event in cloudevents format - https://github.com/stolostron/multicluster-global-hub/blob/main/doc/message.md#policy-1
        • id: Identifies the event. Producers MUST ensure that source + id is unique for each distinct event.
        • type: This attribute contains a value describing the type of event related to the originating occurrence.
        • data:  
          "objects": [
                          "clusterId": "6b9b8545-1a84-4b55-8423-a9b28a1a4967",
                          "eventName": "kube-system.status.17ad7b80d4e6f6a4",
                          "message": "The cluster (cluster1) is destoryed successfully",
                          "reason": "Destroyed",
                          "count": 1,
                          "source": "-",
                          "createdAt": "2024-01-25T05:08:07Z"

      Development Complete

      • The code is complete.
      • Functionality is working.
      • Any required downstream Docker file changes are made.

      Tests Automated

      • [ ] Unit/function tests have been automated and incorporated into the
      • [ ] 100% automated unit/function test coverage for new or changed APIs.

      Secure Design

      • [ ] Security has been assessed and incorporated into your threat model.

      Multidisciplinary Teams Readiness

      Support Readiness

      • [ ] The must-gather script has been updated.

            rh-ee-myan Meng Yan
            clyang82 Chunlin Yang
            Hui Chen Hui Chen
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            2 Start watching this issue
