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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-9303

As global search user, I want to see partial results when an error occurs


    • 5
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      Search console displays partial results when errors occur in the backend.
      Search console displays partial results when errors occur in the backend.
    • ACM-5836 - Global Hub Search view
    • Search Sprint 2024-10
    • No

      Value Statement

      Search federation increases the chances that errors will occur in the backend. When encountering errors, the console should display partial results along with the errors.

      Definition of Done for Engineering Story Owner (Checklist)

      • ...

      Development Complete

      • The code is complete.
      • Functionality is working.
      • Any required downstream Docker file changes are made.

      Tests Automated

      • [ ] Unit/function tests have been automated and incorporated into the
      • [ ] 100% automated unit/function test coverage for new or changed APIs.

      Secure Design

      • [ ] Security has been assessed and incorporated into your threat model.

      Multidisciplinary Teams Readiness

      Support Readiness

      • [ ] The must-gather script has been updated.

        1. image-2024-02-20-13-53-12-994.png
          434 kB
          Sherin Varughese
        2. image-2024-05-23-11-54-03-388.png
          61 kB
          Ethan Kim

            zlayne@redhat.com Zackery Layne
            jpadilla@redhat.com Jorge Padilla
            Xiang Yin Xiang Yin
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
