Resolution: Done
ACM 2.9.0
Description of problem:
Trying to upgrade an managed cluster fails with user forbidden errors
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 2.9
How reproducible: NA
Steps to Reproduce:
- Upgrade the managed cluster using ACM UI
Actual results:
Nothing happens
Expected results:
Cluster should get upgraded to a newer version̄.
Additional info:
cluster-curator-controller shows the below logs which seem to indicate insufficient permissions on the service account role:
2023-12-14T19:06:38.999462102Z I1214 19:06:38.999435 1 helpers.go:444] Curator "mytestcluster45" version, current=4.12.44 desired=4.12.45 2023-12-14T19:06:38.999462102Z I1214 19:06:38.999439 1 rbac.go:221] Check if serviceAccount cluster-installer exists 2023-12-14T19:06:39.002371550Z I1214 19:06:39.002325 1 rbac.go:235] Check if ClusterRole curator exists 2023-12-14T19:06:39.004959499Z I1214 19:06:39.004917 1 rbac.go:237] Creating ClusterRole curator 2023-12-14T19:06:39.042682753Z I1214 19:06:39.042627 1 rbac.go:242] Created ClusterRole ✓ 2023-12-14T19:06:39.042682753Z I1214 19:06:39.042654 1 rbac.go:245] Check if RoleBinding cluster-installer exists 2023-12-14T19:06:39.098341452Z I1214 19:06:39.098280 1 job.go:339] Creating Curator job curator-job in namespace mytestcluster45 2023-12-14T19:06:39.498644390Z I1214 19:06:39.498579 1 job.go:362] Created Curator job ✓ (curator-job-rgpp7) 2023-12-14T21:22:48.062824937Z I1214 21:22:48.062763 1 helpers.go:409] Previous curator "mytestcluster45" is failed, "curator-job-rgpp7 DesiredCuration: upgrade Version (4.12.45;;) Failed - hostedclusters.hypershift.openshift.io \"mytestcluster45\" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:mytestcluster45:cluster-installer\" cannot get resource \"hostedclusters\" in API group \"hypershift.openshift.io\" in the namespace \"mytestcluster45\"" 2023-12-14T21:22:48.062824937Z I1214 21:22:48.062793 1 helpers.go:412] last job failed and desired version is unchanged, do not need to upgrade
- links to
RHSA-2024:126795 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.9.3 security and bug fix container updates