Creating a dependency on a ConstraintTemplate stays in Pending status even when Policy reports status as Compliant.
- dependency
- extraDependencies: - apiVersion: compliance: Compliant kind: ConstraintTemplate name: verifydeprecatedapi
- status
status: compliant: Pending details: - compliant: Compliant history: - eventName: lastTimestamp: '2023-12-11T00:26:36Z' message: >- Compliant; ConstraintTemplate verifydeprecatedapi was created successfully templateMeta: creationTimestamp: null name: verifydeprecatedapi - compliant: Pending history: - eventName: lastTimestamp: '2023-12-11T00:26:36Z' message: >- Pending; Dependencies were not satisfied: 1 is still pending (ConstraintTemplate verifydeprecatedapi)
Fully policy attached
- links to
RHSA-2024:126795 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.9.3 security and bug fix container updates