Description of problem:
oc get policy still returns NonCompliant 10 minutes after deleting the certificate and secret
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
ocp 4.12.37
How reproducible:
1. install ACM and create mch
2. install cert-manager operator
3. create namespace
4. create ManagedClusterSetBinding
5. create Policy, Placement, and PlacementBinding
6. check Policy state is 'Complaint'
7. create Issuer and Certificate
8. check Policy state is 'NonComplaint'
9. delete Certificate and Secret
10. check cert-policy-controller log "Found 0 non compliant certificates"
11. check Policy state is 'NonComplaint' after several minutes
Steps to Reproduce:
- ...
Actual results:
oc get policy still returns 'NonCompliant' 10 minutes after deleting the certificate and secret.
Expected results:
oc get policy returns 'Compliant' after deleting the certificate and secret after 30s.
Additional info:
- clones
ACM-8966 oc get policy still returns NonCompliant 10 minutes after deleting the certificate and secret
- Closed
- links to
RHSA-2023:125406 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.8.5 security and bug fix container updates