Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management'
  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-7803 Submariner addons do not uninstall
  3. ACM-8847

Don't allow moving a Cluster out of ClusterSet if SubmarinerAddon is installed.


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • ACM 2.11.0
    • ACM 2.9.0, ACM 2.8.1
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Submariner Sprint 2024-18, Submariner Sprint 2024-19, Submariner Sprint 2024-20, Submariner Sprint 2024-21, Submariner Sprint 2024-22

      SubmarinerAddon is installed on Clusters with scope of ClusterSet. If a cluster is moved out of ClusterSet, or moved to another ClusterSet, Submariner installation is no longer valid. It is recommended to remove SubmarinerAddon before moving Cluster out of ClusterSet but currently there is no such warning in UI. Doing so will leave submariner in an inconsistent state and can't be uninstalled.

      UI should block moving a Cluster out of ClusterSet if SubmarinerAddon is installed and give appropriate warning to user.


            tpanteli Thomas Pantelis
            rh-ee-vthapar Vishal Thapar
            Maxim Babushkin Maxim Babushkin
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
