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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-8765

Addons not deployed on ACM managed cluster when the managed cluster is imported [ACM 2.7]


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Moderate
    • No

      Description of problem:

      Managed cluster addons are in Unknown state after the managed cluster is imported in the hub cluster

      # oc get managedclusteraddon -A
      NAMESPACE       NAME                          AVAILABLE   DEGRADED   PROGRESSING
      local-cluster   application-manager           True
      local-cluster   cert-policy-controller        True
      local-cluster   cluster-proxy                 True
      local-cluster   config-policy-controller      True
      local-cluster   governance-policy-framework   True
      local-cluster   iam-policy-controller         True
      local-cluster   work-manager                  True
      ocsm4205001     application-manager           Unknown
      ocsm4205001     cert-policy-controller        Unknown
      ocsm4205001     cluster-proxy                 Unknown
      ocsm4205001     config-policy-controller      Unknown
      ocsm4205001     governance-policy-framework   Unknown
      ocsm4205001     iam-policy-controller         Unknown
      ocsm4205001     search-collector              Unknown
      ocsm4205001     work-manager                  Unknown

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      ACM: 2.8.0

      ODF: 4.14.0-93.stable

      How reproducible:

      Reproduced twice consequently

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deploy ACM , create multicluster hub
      2. Deploy MCO
      3. Import managed clusters on the Hub cluster

      Actual results:

      After importing the managed cluster, the open-cluster-management-agent got created but the open-cluster-management-agent-addon are not deployed



      # oc get po -n open-cluster-management-agent
      NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
      klusterlet-7c598fc95-cqbqn                       1/1     Running   0             17h
      klusterlet-registration-agent-784b6d5c9f-7t4gl   1/1     Running   1 (17h ago)   17h
      klusterlet-registration-agent-784b6d5c9f-f9xpn   1/1     Running   0             17h
      klusterlet-registration-agent-784b6d5c9f-jrmfg   1/1     Running   0             17h
      klusterlet-work-agent-74856d888-qsplb            1/1     Running   0             17h
      klusterlet-work-agent-74856d888-sx7pc            1/1     Running   0             17h
      klusterlet-work-agent-74856d888-zvzvj            1/1     Running   0             17h
      # oc get po -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon
      No resources found in open-cluster-management-agent-addon namespace.



      Expected results:

      Addons should be deployed successfully on the managed cluster.

      Additional info:

      Attaching the ACM must-gather logs to the Jira attachment

            rh-ee-kcormier Kevin Cormier
            sravikab2 Sravika Balusu (Inactive)
            David Huynh David Huynh
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
