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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-8541

DOC caveats for Hibernate 2.9 refresh and 2.10


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      Please see https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ACM-8428

      As part of the effort to make Hibernate GA, we need to also include some best practices to ensure that customers do not crash a cluster when using hibernate.


      The ability to hibernate your OCP clusters in the cloud can be leveraged to save on cloud costs. This feature is currently implemented via Hive API which builds upon our public OCP documentation (https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/backup_and_restore/graceful-cluster-shutdown.html) for graceful cluster shutdown and restart. For more information about Hive API and the Hibernate feature see https://github.com/openshift/hive/blob/master/docs/hibernating-clusters.md

      To Hibernate, Hive effectively shuts down all VM instances and then to resume, it starts them back up and approves any pending CSRs.

      There are some limitations and best practices to be aware of:

      • do not hibernate OCP clusters within 24 hours of cluster provision
      • do not hibernate OCP clusters longer than 60 days
      • do not hibernate OCP clusters if MachineConfigPools are in the updating status
      • upon cluster resume, do not hibernate the OCP cluster again until ensuring all cluster operations are running in a normal state:
        • checking the output of "oc get co" and "oc get clusterversion" to ensure nothing reports pending progress or updates occurring
      • cluster resume could span ~5-45 minutes depending on cloud services and OCP cluster operations settling

            bswope@redhat.com Brandi Swope
            sberens@redhat.com Scott Berens
            Balachandran Chandrasekaran, Bradd Weidenbenner, Eric Fried, Jeffrey Brent (Inactive)
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            8 Start watching this issue
