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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-8511

Disconnected ACM install failing because of timeout due to unneeded ClusterImageSets


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No
    • AI-36
    • Important

      Description of problem:

      Bare metal OCP 4.12 using ZTP, UEFI boot with redfish media installations failing with an 504 timeout error validating the OS image from the assisted service.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      a. Hub cluster: 4.12.30, b. ACM operator 2.8.1 and spoke cluster: 4.12.10.

      How reproducible:

      Reproducible for the client.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1.  Use oc-mirror to mirror x86_64 images to local registry.
      2.  Attempt install of spoke cluster with ACM and MCE doing a UEFI boot with redfish media , ZTP.

      Actual results:

      Assisted service fails at inspection with 504 error.

      Expected results:

      A successful install creates spoke cluster.

      Additional info:
      They are only requesting x86-64 images:

      apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2
      kind: ImageSetConfiguration
      archiveSize: 45
            - amd64
            - name: stable-4.12
              minVersion: 4.12.10
              maxVersion: 4.12.30
              shortestPath: true
              type: ocp

      However, ClusterImageSets for multi-arch are created. This is what is causing the timeout:

      Failed to inspect hardware. Reason: unable to start inspection: Validation of image href https://assisted-image-service-multicluster-engine.apps.bootstrap-rnd-dualstack.mavdallab.com/images/9899820-52b-4c94-90af-c86ea3edbdc1?
      ZGukYzEifO.005G4Z5juOOnCdmNfm30Kbd4AKY9gqFiXIt5psSWYPRV56x6vy7mc4J4e57eK6|QaKtsOUD8vqe_S6SVIROYQ&arc h=x86_64&type=minimal-iso&version=4.12 failed, reason: Got HTTP code 504 instead of 200 in response to HEAD request

      If they delete all the extra ClusterImageSets, the installation proceeds.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-cshepher Christine Shepherd
            David Huynh David Huynh
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
