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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-8492

UI throws "ClusterSets failed to load" error while deploying application set based applications from console


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Important
    • Yes

      Description of problem:

      On a MDR setup, While trying to deploy application set based application from ACM console, UI throws an error in placement page saying  "ClusterSets failed to load. Check the GitOpsCluster and Placement YAML for status errors."

      The  same issue was reported in  https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ACM-6066 and now not working in the latest 2.9.0 in MDR.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):



      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Go to All Clusters -> Applications -> Create application -> Application set
      2. Provide details required from steps 1 to 3 and reach step 4 "Placement" page
      3. Observe the error "ClusterSets failed to load. Check the GitOpsCluster and Placement YAML for status errors."

      Actual results:

      UI throws error "ClusterSets failed to load. Check the GitOpsCluster and Placement YAML for status errors." and does not allow to select any clusterset.

      Expected results:

      There should not be any error while creating application set based applications

      Additional info:

      GitOpsCluster and Placement YAML output from the cluster:
      $ oc get gitopscluster gitops-cluster -n openshift-gitops -oyaml
      apiVersion: apps.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
      kind: GitOpsCluster
        creationTimestamp: "2023-10-25T12:19:33Z"
        generation: 1
        name: gitops-cluster
        namespace: openshift-gitops
        resourceVersion: "13707462"
        uid: a1e99423-a860-4a77-8d2a-7abe1a4c229f
          argoNamespace: openshift-gitops
          cluster: local-cluster
          apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
          kind: Placement
          name: all-openshift-clusters
          namespace: openshift-gitops
        lastUpdateTime: "2023-11-02T07:46:23Z"
        message: Added managed clusters [local-cluster pbyregow-mc1 pbyregow-mc2] to gitops
          namespace openshift-gitops
        phase: successful```
      ```$ oc get placement -A
      NAMESPACE          NAME                           SUCCEEDED   REASON                  SELECTEDCLUSTERS
      b-sub-1            b-sub-1-placement-1            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      b-sub-2            b-sub-2-placement-1            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      b-sub-3            b-sub-3-placement-1            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      b-sub-4            b-sub-4-placement-1            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      cronjob-sub-1      cronjob-sub-1-placement-1      True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      cronjob-sub-2      cronjob-sub-2-placement-1      True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      job-sub-1          job-sub-1-placement-1          True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      job-sub-2          job-sub-2-placement-1          True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      logwritter-sub-1   logwritter-sub-1-placement-1   True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      logwritter-sub-2   logwritter-sub-2-placement-1   True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      new-sub-1          new-sub-1-placement-1          True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      new-sub-2          new-sub-2-placement-1          True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   all-openshift-clusters         True        AllDecisionsScheduled   3
      openshift-gitops   busybox-1-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   busybox-2-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   busybox-3-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   busybox-4-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   cronjob-1-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   cronjob-2-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   j-1-placement                  True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   j-2-placement                  True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   logwriter-app-1-placement      True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   logwriter-app-2-placement      True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   new-app-1-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1
      openshift-gitops   new-app-2-placement            True        AllDecisionsScheduled   1```

            magchen@redhat.com Maggie Chen
            rh-ee-asagare Avdhoot Sagare
            Yupeng Chang Yupeng Chang
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
