Resolution: Done
ACM 2.9.0, MCE 2.4.0
Deprecation of Klusterlet OLM Operator
Not Selected
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Epic Goal
Announce deprecation of the Klusterlet OLM Operator
Why is this important?
This operator does not provide any necessary value to the customers to the product and is an on-going maintenance burden to the Build, QE, and Doc teams.
Acceptance Criteria
- Deprecation announcement included in ACM 2.9 / MCE 2.4 Release Notes
- Add Deprecation label in ACM 2.9 / MCE 2.4 documentation here (or just remove this section): https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_advanced_cluster_management_for_kubernetes/2.8/html/clusters/cluster_mce_overview#run-import-commands-manually
- causes
ACM-8397 Removal of Klusterlet OLM Operator [ACM 2.11 / MCE 2.6]
- Review