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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-6719

RFE Deployment of ARO from ACM using existing CRDs or new ones if needed


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected

      Feature Overview

      Deployment of ARO from ACM using CR or collection of CRDs


      The lack of this creates friction in adopting ARO and ACM as currently Openshift and ACM customers, cannot create ARO clusters from within ACM, then they need to create automation to work that around, delaying the ARO adoption and using something else (not ACM. In some cases terraform or gitlab as FSI in-house tools) to do that ARO provisioning.



      requirement                                                                        Notes                                                              isMvp
      IPI like deployment from ARO to ACM   Yes 
      Use CR or a collection of CRs   Yes
      declarative method of defining cluster installation (like we can do for IPI type installstions) so essentially an extension to the Provision (CR)    

      Current Pain Points

      • the declarative installation of the ARO and ROSA clusters has to live in Ansible or Terraform while the rest of the cluster definition is defined as kubernetes resources where as for self manged clusters everything can be done with kubernetes resources including the cluster installation

      Out of Scope

       -UI creation


      Background, and strategic fit

      Currently there is no intergration with ACM allowing for implemenation customers to use the ARO cluster without significant automation work or Services involvement.

      Documentation Considerations

      • Step-by-step guide on how to create ARO clusters using ACM. 


      Question Outcome



              bweidenb@redhat.com Bradd Weidenbenner
              rhn-support-awestbro Jonathan Westbrook
              David Huynh David Huynh
              2 Vote for this issue
              15 Start watching this issue
