Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management'
  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-6708

As a cluster admin, I can see the global hub jobs status from prometheus metrics


    • No

      Value Statement

      emit metrics is best practices for observability

      Definition of Done for Engineering Story Owner (Checklist)

      • Emit metrics for the summariztion job status
      • Emit metrics for partitions table creation status
      • Emit metrics for deleting partitions table
      • We can see these metrics in OpenShift monitoring UI

      Development Complete

      • The code is complete.
      • Functionality is working.
      • Any required downstream Docker file changes are made.

      Tests Automated

      • [ ] Unit/function tests have been automated and incorporated into the
      • [ ] 100% automated unit/function test coverage for new or changed APIs.

      Secure Design

      • [ ] Security has been assessed and incorporated into your threat model.

      Multidisciplinary Teams Readiness

      Support Readiness

      • [ ] The must-gather script has been updated.

            rh-ee-myan Meng Yan
            clyang82 Chunlin Yang
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
