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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-6583

[RFE] Support of a dual s3 storage location for a hub Active/Passive configuration



    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected
    • 0
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      Currently, we support an Active passive configuration with ACM today.


      This type of configuration only supports 1 s3 storage location.  This limits the customer to only deploy this type of configuration in a single data center.  Customers with 2 physical data centers want a design where the passive Hub cluster can be failed over with its own disk.


      Customer wants to have a highly available ACM cluster where they can also test Disaster recovery situations (quick failover versus backup and restore) where the primary data center fails and be able to bring up ACM successfully in the same state that was on the primary side.


      The ask here is to support the following:


      Primary data center with ACM and its s3 object store.

      Secondary data center with ACM its own s3 object store.

      The ability to have ACM replicate/duplicate its configurations between both primary and secondary data center locations.

      Managed clusters in either location should be able to point to either ACM instance (assuming we'll probably need to set up global load balancing of some sort).


      Other thoughts:


      Could it be possible to do this type of configuration mirroring the s3 object stores between the primary and secondary data center locations using the Nooba Multi-Cloud gateway?




            zxue@redhat.com ZHAO XUE
            rh-ee-syangsao Sam Yangsao
            Hui Chen Hui Chen
            3 Vote for this issue
            12 Start watching this issue

