Resolution: Done
MCE 2.4.0
Build and expose the external version of HyperShift CLI (hcp)
In Progress
OCPSTRAT-42 - Gate and Clarify of Hypershift CLI Product Supported Features
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Epic Goal
There are now two different versions of HyperShift CLI: developer version that exposes all arguments and external end-user version that exposes arguments that are only relevant for end-users.
The current Hypershift CLI exposes a lot of developer-only flags that are not applicable or recommended to use by end-users. The upstream hypershift team made changes such that the CLI binary can be built in two different ways to produce developer and end-user versions of the CLI.
This epic is to build and deliver the end-user version of CLI in MCE.
This epic is also about making the hypershift CLI binary available through some central place where all other OpenShift related binaries are also available so that cluster administrators can consistently download it along with everything else (oc, openshit-install) on Day 0 of the cluster deployment from the same place.
When upgrading the cluster, all CLI tools can be upgraded similarly and consistently via some automation.
Why is this important?
This epic clarifies the functionalities of the Hypershift CLI from MCE end-user perspective and hide confusing or irrelevant arguments that are only useful for backend code.
Acceptance Criteria
- The new downloadable CLI only exposes the end-user flags
- MCE documentation is updated to reference the new CLI command
- s390x CLI is available
- The CLI binaries are available at https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/ along with other tools
- The CLI binaries are also available through krew
Dependencies (internal and external)
- (AWS platform currently not available in HCP CLI) https://issues.redhat.com/browse/HOSTEDCP-1017
Previous Work (Optional):
- ...
Open questions:
- …
Done Checklist
- CI - CI is running, tests are automated and merged.
- Release Enablement <link to Feature Enablement Presentation>
- DEV - Upstream code and tests merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub
Issue> - DEV - Upstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub
Issue> - DEV - Downstream build attached to advisory: <link to errata>
- QE - Test plans in Polarion: <link or reference to Polarion>
- QE - Automated tests merged: <link or reference to automated tests>
- DOC - Downstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR>
- causes
ACM-7279 hcp: external-dns-domain param not recognized
- Closed
ACM-7278 hcp with --secrets-creds provided still requires pull secret
- Closed
ACM-7347 [UI] AWS hosted cluster steps references old hcp binary name
- Closed
ACM-7348 [UI] AWS hosted cluster steps references old hcp binary name
- Closed
ACM-7280 Multiple hypershift (hcp & hypershift) cli download routes available
- Closed
- is blocked by
HOSTEDCP-1017 HyperShift CLI non-developer mode
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned in
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