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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-6051

Blog: App backup and restore policy


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No

      Blogging for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

            -When you create a blog report issue, keep the issue in the Untriaged pipeline and specify the `ACM Blogs` component. A writer will triage the issue.
            -Give a summary of your blog idea by completing the summary outline at the end of this template.
            -Add the product version label that is applicable to the draft blog.
            -Add your draft blog to the [blog-drafts repository](https://github.com/open-cluster-management/blog-drafts). Post the link to your draft and contact your writer/editor.
            -When your draft is being reviewed, update your pipeline to In Progress. Blog editing can take place in the repository, in the issue comments, or during a live meeting, depending on needs and availability.


      Generally expect at least a 2-week delay between
      submitting your reviewed blog and publication. See the Playbook
      for more details.

      Writing guidance for your blog:

            -Verify that the author's name is added to the blog draft.
            -If you have to link to other blogs, link only to other blogs that are published.
            -Reference the product documentation as a source of truth for specific details.
            -Reference our open community, [open-cluster-management](https://github.com/open-cluster-management), for specific details, as well.
            -Spell out the product name (for example, do not use ACM). For examples of how you should reference the product, see the Official Red Hat product and solution names list.
            -Preview your blog draft to verify indentations and numbers are aligned appropriately. Select the preview tab in GitHub or GitLab.
            -Double-check spelling.
            -Good practice to give credit to others helping with your blog.

      Note: Highly suggest that you add borders around your images because it
      is hard to see where the content ends and the images begin. It would
      increase accessibility and readability.

      1. Choose the type of blog update

            [X] New blog
            [ ] Update to a published blog

      2. Link to the blog(s) that require an update


      PR: https://github.com/stolostron/blog-drafts/pull/135

      3. Blog information

            -Blog audience:
            -Blog main idea:
            -Call to action (what can you do with this knowledge after you read the blog)?


            rh-ee-ofischer Oliver Fischer
            vbirsan@redhat.com Valentina Birsan
            Sahar Ebrahimi
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
