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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-5617

GLIBC library not found by chronyc when deploying a SNO


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • AI-29
    • No

      Description of problem:

      An glibc library error is shown when running the agent service in the SNO that it is about to be provisioned.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OCP - 4.13.0
      MCE - 2.2.3

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create the provisioning files required by MCE. They can be found here:https://github.com/alosadagrande/5g-ran-deployments-on-ocp-lab/tree/lab-4.13/lab-materials/sno-deployment  
      2. Apply them. In my case I am using ZTP / OpenShift GitOps
      3. An error is shown when the node is being registered

      Actual results:

      May 22 07:30:31 ocp-sno1 next_step_runne[1941]: time="22-05-2023 07:30:31" level=error msg="Failed to get NTP sources" file="ntp_synchronizer.go:170" error="chronyc exited with non-zero exit code 1: \nchronyc: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by chronyc)\nchronyc: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by chronyc)\n"
      May 22 07:30:31 ocp-sno1 next_step_runne[1941]: time="22-05-2023 07:30:31" level=error msg="Step execution failed (exit code -1): <ntp-synchronizer-30597ff6>, command: <ntp_synchronizer>, args: <[{\"ntp_source\":\"infra.5g-deployment.lab\"}]>. Output:\nstdout:\n\n\nstderr:\nchronyc exited with non-zero exit code 1: \nchronyc: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by chronyc)\nchronyc: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by chronyc)\n\n" file="step_processor.go:110" request_id=ba610a88-c28a-43ce-8a01-96f8895413bb
      May 22 07:30:31 ocp-sno1 next_step_runne[1941]: time="22-05-2023 07:30:31" level=warning msg="Sending step <ntp-synchronizer-30597ff6> reply output <> error <chronyc exited with non-zero exit code 1: \nchronyc: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by chronyc)\nchronyc: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by chronyc)\n> exit-code <-1>" file="step_processor.go:76" request_id=ba610a88-c28a-43ce-8a01-96f8895413bb

      Expected results:

      SNO is deployed

      Additional info:

      [root@infra ~]# oc get agent -A
      NAMESPACE   NAME                                   CLUSTER   APPROVED   ROLE     STAGE
      sno1        aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaa0201   sno1      true       master   
      [root@infra ~]# oc get agent -A -oyaml
      apiVersion: v1
      - apiVersion: agent-install.openshift.io/v1beta1
        kind: Agent
            inventory.agent-install.openshift.io/version: "0.1"
          creationTimestamp: "2023-05-22T07:29:33Z"
          - agent.agent-install.openshift.io/ai-deprovision
          generation: 2
            agent-install.openshift.io/bmh: sno1
            agent-install.openshift.io/clusterdeployment-namespace: sno1
            cluster-name: sno1
            infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io: sno1
            inventory.agent-install.openshift.io/cpu-architecture: x86_64
            inventory.agent-install.openshift.io/cpu-virtenabled: "true"
            inventory.agent-install.openshift.io/host-isvirtual: "true"
            inventory.agent-install.openshift.io/host-manufacturer: RedHat
            inventory.agent-install.openshift.io/host-productname: KVM
            inventory.agent-install.openshift.io/storage-hasnonrotationaldisk: "false"
          name: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaa0201
          namespace: sno1
          resourceVersion: "5079719"
          uid: bee4a37b-9faf-4abd-aaf2-27379f76f48d
          approved: true
            name: sno1
            namespace: sno1
          hostname: openshift-master-0
          installation_disk_id: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0
          role: master
          bootstrap: true
          - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-22T07:29:32Z"
            message: The Spec has been successfully applied
            reason: SyncOK
            status: "True"
            type: SpecSynced
          - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-22T07:29:32Z"
            message: The agent's connection to the installation service is unimpaired
            reason: AgentIsConnected
            status: "True"
            type: Connected
          - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-22T07:31:41Z"
            message: The agent is not ready to begin the installation
            reason: AgentNotReady
            status: "False"
            type: RequirementsMet
          - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-22T07:31:41Z"
            message: 'The agent''s validations are failing: While preparing the previous
              installation the installation disk speed measurement failed or was found to
              be insufficient,Host couldn''t synchronize with any NTP server'
            reason: ValidationsFailing
            status: "False"
            type: Validated
          - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-22T07:29:32Z"
            message: The installation has not yet started
            reason: InstallationNotStarted
            status: "False"
            type: Installed
          - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-22T07:29:32Z"
            message: The agent is bound to a cluster deployment
            reason: Bound
            status: "True"
            type: Bound
            eventsURL: https://assisted-service-multicluster-engine.apps.hub.5g-deployment.lab/api/assisted-install/v2/events?api_key=eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbmZyYV9lbnZfaWQiOiJhODE4MDMxNy1kMjI4LTQ0OTMtYjQ2Yi02ODk0Nzk3MTE4YjAifQ.Q6XNTGfuSbQMwTgBDCuvFgSn5HsEy2sCvj_NY9dnoC47y-mhyNawFmsT9hAi7jBUAk8QI4IZncETKpQo1wigpA&host_id=aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaa0201
            state: insufficient
            stateInfo: 'Host cannot be installed due to following failing validation(s):
              Host couldn''t synchronize with any NTP server ; While preparing the previous
              installation the installation disk speed measurement failed or was found to
              be insufficient'
            bmcV6Address: ::/0
              currentBootMode: uefi
              architecture: x86_64
              clockMegahertz: 2095
              count: 12
              - fpu
              - vme
              - de
              - pse
              - tsc
              - msr
              - pae
              - mce
              - cx8
              - apic
              - sep
              - mtrr
              - pge
              - mca
              - cmov
              - pat
              - pse36
              - clflush
              - mmx
              - fxsr
              - sse
              - sse2
              - ss
              - syscall
              - nx
              - pdpe1gb
              - rdtscp
              - lm
              - constant_tsc
              - rep_good
              - nopl
              - xtopology
              - cpuid
              - tsc_known_freq
              - pni
              - pclmulqdq
              - vmx
              - ssse3
              - fma
              - cx16
              - pcid
              - sse4_1
              - sse4_2
              - x2apic
              - movbe
              - popcnt
              - tsc_deadline_timer
              - aes
              - xsave
              - avx
              - f16c
              - rdrand
              - hypervisor
              - lahf_lm
              - abm
              - 3dnowprefetch
              - cpuid_fault
              - invpcid_single
              - ssbd
              - ibrs
              - ibpb
              - stibp
              - ibrs_enhanced
              - tpr_shadow
              - vnmi
              - flexpriority
              - ept
              - vpid
              - ept_ad
              - fsgsbase
              - tsc_adjust
              - bmi1
              - avx2
              - smep
              - bmi2
              - erms
              - invpcid
              - avx512f
              - avx512dq
              - rdseed
              - adx
              - smap
              - clflushopt
              - clwb
              - avx512cd
              - avx512bw
              - avx512vl
              - xsaveopt
              - xsavec
              - xgetbv1
              - xsaves
              - arat
              - umip
              - pku
              - ospke
              - avx512_vnni
              - md_clear
              - arch_capabilities
              modelName: Intel Xeon Processor (Cascadelake)
            - byPath: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1.0
              driveType: ODD
              hctl: "0:0:0:0"
              id: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1.0
                - Disk is removable
                - Disk is too small (disk only has 104 MB, but 100 GB are required)
                - Drive type is ODD, it must be one of HDD, SSD, Multipath, FC.
              ioPerf: {}
              model: QEMU_DVD-ROM
              name: sr0
              path: /dev/sr0
              serial: QM00001
              sizeBytes: 103948288
              smart: |
                SMART support is:     Unavailable - device lacks SMART capability.
              vendor: QEMU
            - byPath: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0
              driveType: HDD
              id: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0
                eligible: true
                notEligibleReasons: []
              ioPerf: {}
              name: vda
              path: /dev/vda
              sizeBytes: 214748364800
              vendor: "0x1af4"
            - byPath: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:05:00.0
              driveType: HDD
              id: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:05:00.0
                eligible: true
                notEligibleReasons: []
              ioPerf: {}
              name: vdb
              path: /dev/vdb
              sizeBytes: 214748364800
              vendor: "0x1af4"
            hostname: ocp-sno1
            - flags:
              - up
              - broadcast
              - multicast
              hasCarrier: true
              ipV6Addresses: []
              macAddress: aa:aa:aa:aa:02:01
              mtu: 1500
              name: enp1s0
              product: "0x0001"
              speedMbps: -1
              vendor: "0x1af4"
              physicalBytes: 25165824000
              usableBytes: 24585785344
              manufacturer: Red Hat
              productName: KVM
              virtual: true
          progress: {}
          role: master
            - id: has-inventory
              message: Valid inventory exists for the host
              status: success
            - id: has-min-cpu-cores
              message: Sufficient CPU cores
              status: success
            - id: has-min-memory
              message: Sufficient minimum RAM
              status: success
            - id: has-min-valid-disks
              message: Sufficient disk capacity
              status: success
            - id: has-cpu-cores-for-role
              message: Sufficient CPU cores for role master
              status: success
            - id: has-memory-for-role
              message: Sufficient RAM for role master
              status: success
            - id: hostname-unique
              message: Hostname openshift-master-0 is unique in cluster
              status: success
            - id: hostname-valid
              message: Hostname openshift-master-0 is allowed
              status: success
            - id: sufficient-installation-disk-speed
              message: While preparing the previous installation the installation disk speed
                measurement failed or was found to be insufficient
              status: failure
            - id: compatible-with-cluster-platform
              message: Host is compatible with cluster platform none
              status: success
            - id: vsphere-disk-uuid-enabled
              message: VSphere disk.EnableUUID is enabled for this virtual machine
              status: success
            - id: compatible-agent
              message: Host agent compatibility checking is disabled
              status: success
            - id: no-skip-installation-disk
              message: No request to skip formatting of the installation disk
              status: success
            - id: no-skip-missing-disk
              message: All disks that have skipped formatting are present in the host inventory
              status: success
            - id: connected
              message: Host is connected
              status: success
            - id: media-connected
              message: Media device is connected
              status: success
            - id: machine-cidr-defined
              message: 'No Machine Network CIDR needed: User Managed Networking'
              status: success
            - id: belongs-to-machine-cidr
              message: Host belongs to all machine network CIDRs
              status: success
            - id: belongs-to-majority-group
              message: Host has connectivity to the majority of hosts in the cluster
              status: success
            - id: valid-platform-network-settings
              message: Platform KVM is allowed
              status: success
            - id: ntp-synced
              message: Host couldn't synchronize with any NTP server
              status: failure
            - id: time-synced-between-host-and-service
              message: Host clock is synchronized with service
              status: success
            - id: container-images-available
              message: All required container images were either pulled successfully or
                no attempt was made to pull them
              status: success
            - id: sufficient-network-latency-requirement-for-role
              message: Network latency requirement has been satisfied.
              status: success
            - id: sufficient-packet-loss-requirement-for-role
              message: Packet loss requirement has been satisfied.
              status: success
            - id: has-default-route
              message: Host has been configured with at least one default route.
              status: success
            - id: api-domain-name-resolved-correctly
              message: Domain name resolution for the api.sno1.5g-deployment.lab domain
                was successful or not required
              status: success
            - id: api-int-domain-name-resolved-correctly
              message: Domain name resolution for the api-int.sno1.5g-deployment.lab domain
                was successful or not required
              status: success
            - id: apps-domain-name-resolved-correctly
              message: Domain name resolution for the *.apps.sno1.5g-deployment.lab domain
                was successful or not required
              status: success
            - id: dns-wildcard-not-configured
              message: DNS wildcard check was successful
              status: success
            - id: non-overlapping-subnets
              message: Host subnets are not overlapping
              status: success
            - id: cnv-requirements-satisfied
              message: cnv is disabled
              status: success
            - id: lso-requirements-satisfied
              message: lso is disabled
              status: success
            - id: lvm-requirements-satisfied
              message: lvm is disabled
              status: success
            - id: odf-requirements-satisfied
              message: odf is disabled
              status: success
      kind: List
        resourceVersion: ""

            mfilanov Michael Filanov
            alosadag@redhat.com Alberto Losada
            Chad Crum Chad Crum
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
