
      Scale test env

      1 hub with 2400 SNO managed clusters

      scale test scenarios

      Deploy 5-10 appset and get them deployed  on the 2400 managed clusters. The total number of Argocd applications deployed on all managed clusters is 10K - 20K


      • All pull model controllers no OOM Killed.
      • When we create one appset to get it deployed on 2400 clusters. The total time from when the appset is created to when the appsetreport is fully reported is within 5 mins.
      • The total appset number is up to 5 -10.  The total number of ArgoCD application deployed will be 10k - 20k
      • collect and evaluate the time used in each workflow in pull model along with more and more ArgoCD application workload deployment


            xiangli@redhat.com Xiangjing Li
            phwu@redhat.com Philip Wu
            David Huynh David Huynh
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            1 Start watching this issue
